Saturday, May 31, 2008

ATC Preview

Tomorrow is the show in Yorba Linda. We artists got an email this morning from the organizers, telling us that the Orange County Register (the biggest newspaper in the area) printed the day of the show wrong, saying it was today instead of tomorrow… I hope most people who have attended this event for the last 8 years know that it’s always on Sunday. Think good thoughts for us!

Here’s a couple more ATC’s I’ve created in the last few weeks. If they don’t sell tomorrow, they’ll be showing up on Etsy soon :-)

Black and White and Red All Over has a polka dot frame made of my favorite scrapbook paper, a picture from an old sewing book and an earring.
In Study in Green and Gold, I used some small cuts from my old Dunn Edwards paint fan deck, a cool button and some lacy metal embellishments.

I hope the weather in your area is as beautiful as it is here this weekend. It got up to a comfortable 80 degrees with lovely sun in the afternoon.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Vital Organs

Here’s a lovely thought from Reeve Lindbergh, from her new book, Forward from Here:

Delight is inherent in each instant, if one can take that perspective and hold it, gently, to heart.

And here’s a really cool brain collage from Nifties on Etsy.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The World on a String

Whether you are a bead artist, a bead and jewelry admirer, or even if you’re a world history buff, you’ll be fascinated with The World on a String series of DVD’s, produced by Diana Friedberg.

Through the Bead Society of Orange County, I’d seen several of the movies. My impression was that they were professionally produced, exhaustively researched and very well edited. Little did I know that Diana Friedberg shot every second of footage on a Sony camcorder by herself! No crew, no assistants, sometimes not even a solid destination while on location. She edits at home and her husband, he of the smooth English accent, narrates.

Yesterday, the BSOC hosted Diana, who spoke about shooting the project. I won’t tell her funny and amazing stories here since she’s planning to compile them into a companion book for the series, but suffice it to say that the making of these movies has lead Diana to the ends of the earth and everywhere in between. She calls it a “blessed project” and I could see why. For me, a Motel 6 is roughing it… Diana traveled to areas that would make most of us shake in our beaded sandals, sleeping on dirt floors and eating whatever the indigenous people ate.

Diana is currently on deadline to finish the fifth and last installment of the series, which will be premiered at the Washington D.C. Bead Museum in the fall. Once that milestone is met, she will be trying to get PBS to air the movies nationally.

Here’s the link to her website: I don’t want to sound poopy, but she makes much better movies than she does websites. The website isn’t too impressive but that’s obviously not where her talent lies! You can order the DVD’s through her website or if you’re in the Orange County area, you can pick them up at the Gallery Store at the Bowers Museum on Main St. in Santa Ana.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

New Technique

Last week, we melted in the heat. This week, sweaters and raincoats that thought they’d be getting a rest for the summer came back out. No wonder I’ve had a cold since last Saturday!

Even though I was attempting to take it easy this week, trying to get over my third cold of 2008 (that doesn’t count the flu I had in January…), I played with a new technique I’d read about in an ATC book. You take a glossy magazine page, cover parts of it with glue and let dry. Then you take a piece of chrome cleaner and remove the color from the page. The glue acts as a resist, that the chrome cleaner can’t affect, so you’re left with the color that was protected by the glue.

In one example (right), I left the design alone and let it stand on it’s own.

In the second example (left), I colored around the pink flowers I’d glued with purple oil pastels. (Excuse the photos--it’s an overcast day…)

This technique is so cool. It’s wicked easy and what you end up with is always a surprise. Look for more of these designs in the coming months. And again, what I don’t sell at the art fair on June 1 will be going on Etsy the week after.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekend Doings

Yesterday, Dean did some performing at a charity walkathon in Buena Park. Again, the weather--not cooperative! The triple digit temps kept people away in droves. The hardy folks who did the walk (must have been 5k) have my admiration. We tried to stay out of the sun as much as possible and drink as much as we could. Dean did great, backing up a friend for her song, then doing 2 sets of his own banjo music.

Last night we pretty much vegged, watching Dr. Who and Numb3rs taped from the night before. This morning I finished an ATC I’ve been working on. Here’s a preview. It’s called Purple Passion and it’s got part of an earring and part of a bracelet as components.

Besides the constant effort to stay cool, I’ll be working on a couple of new projects this afternoon. I’m constantly drawing out new ideas on the nearest paper, which is sometimes a notebook, sometimes a sketchpad and sometimes an envelope that came in the mail that day…

Y’all keep cool, warm, dry or hydrated, depending where in the world you are today!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Work In Progress (WIP)

I’m melting… melting! OK, it’s hot here in SoCal. My thermometer is reading 100 degrees! Last week I had my heater on… It’s gonna be a long, strange summer…

Today I worked on a few pieces I’d already started. Here’s a preview of one of my numerous Peace Sign anniversary works.

I’m doing the Celebration of the Arts on June 1st and any new art that doesn’t sell there, I’ll put on Etsy the following week. From now till the first, I’m going to be working, working, working! In fact, when I finish this entry, I’ll be starting something new. That’s always scary and fun.

Here’s the info for June 1 again, in case anyone in the Fullerton/Yorba Linda area wants to come see me with my jewelry and art and Dean with his country/comedy show, Squeaky Wheel.

Celebration of the Arts
Hurless Burton Park
4601 Casa Loma
Yorba Linda, CA
11AM to 4PM

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Idol, Flickr and Other Goofy Stuff

I feel really boring this week! Just watched Syesha get voted off Idol--bummer. But I love David Cook and can’t wait for him to release an album. I’ll pay for it with quarters if I have to!

Just trimmed my nails and gave my poor rings a good cleaning. Now they sparkle!

I’m almost finished with Charlaine Harris’s new Sookie Stackhouse vampire novel. Love her!!

I’ve been spending the evenings after the day job working on my Flickr account, adding pictures, contacts and joining groups. It’s really a hoot to see what other folks have created. I look mostly for Etsy people but the site was actually started so that photographers could share their work. So you’ll find not only artistic things but also beautiful photography of all kinds. It’s a great place to share personal photos as well and you can use a privacy setting for friends and family only if you don’t want to let the world in on your wonderfulness. Here’s where you can find me:

Friday I’ll be able to get back to my art thing, then Saturday I’m spending the day with Dean at a charity walkathon, where he’s performing. Sunday, I will get back to experimenting with polymer. I’ve written it here so now I HAVE to do it :-)

Have a Happy Thursday!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sneak Peek!

Here’s a sneak peek at one of the little artworks I’ve been creating this weekend. I’m also finishing a bigger collage, with the peace symbol theme again--it’s a real favorite of mine this year--and an ATC.

My girl cat, Raina, “helped” me with the ATC. She likes to get into my lap and inspect what I’m doing. It’s a little nerve wracking having a cat in the room when I work but there wasn’t any glue or paint involved yet, so I thought it would be ok…

One thing I did today was go through all the vintage and wacky jewelry I’ve collected from yard and rummage sales, to categorize them a little bit so I could find things easier. So much of my inspiration comes from the funky things I’ve accumulated and not just jewelry, but ribbons, buttons, paper of all kinds, photos, books, maps… You get the picture!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Keep Moving!

This is what I have to keep reminding myself to do. I have a sedentary job (accounting) and at home I get involved in jewelry making, creating art or sitting at the computer, finding ways to sell the jewelry and art. When I get up from these chair bound pursuits, I’m stiff and achy. Not to mention that I’m hauling more weight around lately from lack of exercise.

So, I recently got a DVD by Leslie Sansone, who specializes in walking workouts. I bought one each for my parents several years ago. They live in New England and find it hard to walk in the winter, so this seemed like a perfect solution and they both said they liked their versions (she has several DVD’s out with different lengths and intensities). Since I don’t seem to have the time to go outside for a walk lately, I thought it might be a good idea to bring the walk inside to me.

Tonight I finally had my first opportunity to try the workout. I’ve been exercising but not as consistently as I’d like, so out of the 5 mile walk, I chose one of the 3 mile versions. Didn’t want to over do it… Sitting here now, I’m really feeling it in my legs and back. And that makes me feel like I’m doing something good for myself, which actually is long overdue, health-wise.

Five Mile Walk is sort of a misnomer, in that you’re also doing some low kicks, side to sides and a few other simple moves. Leslie changes the pace, incorporates some upper body movement and includes weights and bands as an option to some of the workouts. It’s very low impact aerobics and she gives you the opportunity to pace yourself--just keep moving. What I really like is that you don’t need a whole gym sized room to do the workout. The routine can be done in a very small space, which is a real plus for me. And, even though I didn’t find Leslie’s cheery chatter too annoying, you have the option of having a music only soundtrack once you get used to the routines.

So, if your interests are like mine, that keep us sitting for too long during the day (and evening, sometimes into the wee hours…), a workout like this is something to think about. I always feel so much better when I’m getting exercise. I’ve also been going through one of my dreaded insomnia phases, so I’m hoping for a little relief from that, too.

Today I did a lot of errands with Dean, since this is our only day off together this week. I mixed some paint and prepped a couple of mixed media boards I wanted to start on. I also looked through some magazines for another project I’m planning on paper dolls. This weekend, I’m hoping to get some more polymer done for a necklace and a bunch of ATC’s.

Tune in again real soon!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day Job Day

Ah, today was an actual day job workday. I thought about some projects and after I write this and call in my votes for American Idol, I may do some painting on a couple of projects-in-the-works.

At lunch, I finished a book I've been reading, Julie and Julia by Julie Powell. Powell decided to make every recipe in Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Julia Childs' first book, in a year. She blogged about the experience as it happened and turned it into a book that's funny and tearful and totally sassy. I had such fun reading it and struggled with an impulse to actually start cooking myself, but thankfully, the impulse passed! You'll love her husband and crazy friends and family. Coming to theatres soon.

Here's something coming to Etsy soon, as soon as the picture uploading will cooperate. I'm sure it's our ancient computer...

This ATC is called Robot's Girlfriend. Doesn't it look girlie in a metallic, wiry, blingy sort of way?


Monday, May 5, 2008

Art is Imprecise

When I took my first art class as an adult, I was dismayed to find that artist’s didn’t just sit and draw. They were allowed to use rulers and compasses and other drawing aids. I guess I’d had this romanticized view of artists simply drawing freehand, with lovely art flowing easily from their pencils, pastels and paints. This should have opened up an easiness in my own work, knowing I could use “aids” but I still labor under my fairy tale view of art, sometimes.

Over the weekend, I did two different versions of the same theme on ATC‘s. 2008 is the 50th anniversary of the peace symbol. Being older than the peace sign is depressing but that’s an entry for another day… One I did freehand and the other I used a nickel and a dime as templates. The freehand one looks funky and childlike. The one with the templates looks a little more consistent but because I did the lines freehand, it still has an imprecision I like.

As I explore art more, I’m sure being more precise in my drawing and other aspects of collage and assemblage will come with experience and, depending on the project, may be an important aspect of the piece. There are some things that require meticulousness. But I like to see the hand of the artist sometimes, in a crooked line or a bit of naked canvas.

Peace, Man 1 and Peace, Man 2 should be on Etsy today. Hope you like them, as imprecise as they are!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Upcoming Show

Hi All

Here's the info for a show I'm doing in June. I'll be bringing jewelry, plus as many Artist Trading Cards and little artworks as I can fit in the car! I'll be sharing two spaces with my friend, Anneliese, who also makes beautiful jewelry and lovely knitted scarves (which are a hard sell in 90 degree weather, but think Christmas!).
My husband, Dean, will also be there, with his new group.

June 1 Celebration of the Arts
Hurless Burton Park
4601 Casa Loma
Yorba Linda, CA
11AM to 4PM

It's a good show with lots of artists and entertainment. The venue is a very nice, grassy area but don't forget the folks who are inside the community center, too.

Here's Dean (the little guy on the right) and his partner in crime, Rob. They'll be performing country music and telling goofy jokes as Squeaky Wheel, their new music and comedy group. With a picture like this, you weren't expecting Shakespeare, right?!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Newest Offering on Etsy

Here's a new piece of art I've been working on. You know how you start something and have to let it percolate for a while? Well, I finally put it on Etsy this morning:

It's called You've Got Eyes in Your Stars. Don't ask me where THAT came from! Sometimes I turn words around (once in a while I actually do it intentionally) and, boom, a cool idea is born.

I'm so excited about this new blog. It's really inspiring me to work more and that's gotta be a good thing.

Friday, May 2, 2008

New Journey--New Blog!

I feel like I'm making a new start with my jewelry and fledgling artwork, so I decided to try a new blog home. Tonight is an experiment. Let's see how pictures work...

Here's one of my newest fun things--memory wire bracelets made with cool rubber tubing. Great colors and very sleek style.

Hmmmm... That was easy. And easy means I'll blog more. And that means I'll have to do more artwork and interesting things! Come back soon!