Sunday, July 12, 2009

Eight Things…

I’ve been seeing this on folk’s blogs this morning. You’re supposed to tag people to do it on their blogs but I’m not much of a tagger. Please feel free to do your Eight lists. It’s actually pretty interesting!

Eight Things I’m Looking Forward to:

1. The Orange County Fair (haven’t been in 2 or 3 years)
2. Several books coming out this fall: Dark Road Rising, PN Elrod, Scary Stuff, Sharon Fiffer and Treacherous Teddy, John Lamb, among others
3. Cool weather
4. Paris (someday…)
5. Fitting back into my skinny clothes (see my other blog,
6. Pancakes on my birthday
7. Cold Stone on my birthday (ok, so the skinny clothes will have to wait a day or two more…)
8. Retiring (someday…)

Eight Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Made an anklet
2. Read
3. Yard saled with The Husband in the morning and blogged about it (see previous post)
4. Caught up on Royal Pains
5. Checked out a sale at Stein Mart (didn’t buy anything)
6. Cheated a little on my weight loss plan (Cheez-its called to me)
7. Bought turkey cutlets at Trader Joe’s to christen the new George Foreman grill
8. Played with the cats and their new catnip mice

Eight Things I Wish I Could Do:

1. Write a book (it’s harder than you would think…)
2. Live to 150
3. Go into outer space
4. Speak other languages
5. Either not sleep or have 8 more hours every day
6. Speak well in public
7. Travel extensively through Europe
8. Transport (as in Beam Me Up Scotty)

Eight Shows I Watch on TV:

1. Royal Pains
2. The Closer
3. Leverage
6. Numb3rs
7. Criminal Intent
8. Castle

If you decide to do your own Eight Lists, jot a comment here so we can all share!

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